Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Review: Chloe (2010)

When a woman suspects her husband of cheating she goes to extreme measures to learn the truth. She hires Chloe to tempt her husband and to help her uncover the truth. But how far is to far?
Chloe, starring Julianne Moore, Liam Neeson and Amanda Seyfried as the tiular role, is a twisting erotic thriller that may start out slow, but quickly picks up the pace and doesn't stop until the shocking end.
At first the movie was slow, but as the plot thickened and events started happening, I got completely caught up in the story. Julianne Moore and Amanda Seyfried were both amazing in this movie and in making their characters believeable. The cast pulled this movie togetehr and had you hook, line and sinker from the start.
With each twist and turn of the story I found myself feeling stuck between wanting to believe the husband (played by Liam Neeson) was not cheating, but at the same time the things Chloe (Seyfried) said could only prove otherwise. After a story changing twist near the end the movie ultimatly leads up to a stunning conclusion that leaves you with a few things to ponder.
With that I would give this movie my stamp of approval. To be honest, it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. Although not for everyone, it's definetly worth a look.

First Look: The Green Lantern

Images of a large banner for The Green Lantern have surfaced. Not sure when we can expect to see an actual poster, but the movie is set for release June 11, 2011 and will be starring Ryan Reynolds, Mark Strong, Blake Lively, and Peter Sarsgaard.

Trailer: Resident Evil: Afterlife 3-D

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Review: The A-Team (2010)

With crazy stunts, explosions, and a gorgeous lead cast, The A-Team was a great start to summer movies. It was a fun, action packed movie that was full of hilarious moments and clever plans.
The cast did a wonderful job in each ones respective role. However Sharlto Copley stole the spotlight in many scenes with his hilarious portrayal of “Howling Mad” Murdoch. (Who knew helicopters could do loops?) And if The A-Team really isn’t your thing, the combined good looks of Liam Neeson, Sharlto Copley and Dominic Cooper make it worth every minute.
With a plot that never got boring, it was quite a ride. Maybe it isn’t Academy Award winning stuff, but it’s a fun movie that is entertaining. And honestly, isn’t that what really matters? The plot may not have been layered or complex, although who the real bad guy was and who was really behind everything did have me guessing a bit.
Is there potential for a sequel? Hell yeah. I mean a cigar aficionado, a bat shit crazy pilot, a ladies man and a guy who seriously loves his van who break out of jail and fight bad guys? Yeah. I’d go see another couple movies like it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First Look: Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger Logos

The logos for the Marvel adaptations of Thor and Captain America have been spotted at the 2010 Licensing International Expo in Las Vegas. These are legit and will probably show up on posters and in the trailers for these films.

Captain America: The First Avenger starring Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving and Tommy Lee Jones is currently set for a July 22, 2011 release.

Thor starring Natalie Portman, Chris Hemsworth and Samuel L. Jackson is currently set for a May 6, 2011 release.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Review: Solomon Kane (2009)

Based on the character created by Robert E. Howard (creator of the character Conan), Solomon Kane is a sort of origin story for the main character. After learning his soul belongs to the devil, he renounces violence and becomes a man of peace. But when a family who take him under their wing is attacked, and their daughter taken, he must fight to save her life, his soul and to free the land from a growing evil.
Although violent, the movie is not overly gory which makes it enjoyable for a larger audience.
Over all I found the movie to be rather enjoyable and although not amazing nor award winning, it was a good movie to just sit down and watch. The special effects were not as cheap looking as I originally though they might be and the action was just right, not overdone.
I will admit I started watching it with low expectations. A movie that was supposed to be released and has been with the potential of being a straight to DVD release always gives me pause. But this outdid my expectations and had me hooked til the end.
The cast of it I thought was brilliant with James Purefoy (Resident Evil, A Knight's Tale) taking the title role and Rachel Hurd-Wood (Perfume: the Story of a Murderer, Peter Pan) playing the ethereal Meridith, the girl Solomon is bound by oath to save. All the actors did an amazing job and played their roles convincingly.
I can only hope that possibly Solomon Kane will see at least a limited theatrical release in the US.

Review: The Poughkeepsie Tapes (unreleased)

In the 1990's a serial killer terrorized
an upstate New York town.
Some murderers leave clues.
Some leave warnings.
This one left...
The Poughkeepsie Tapes

And that is how the advertising poster lures you in. But for me it was the trailer I saw years ago before the films original release date in 2007/2008. But since then the movie has been put into an indefinitely postponed state with no real reason why. But due to the fortune that is bootlegging I managed to get myself a copy and watched it.
It's pretty much a "documentary" about a serial killer who left behind over 800 video tapes containing videos of him kidnapping, torturing and killing people. Between interviews and segments from the killer's tapes, the movie gives you a grim and brutal look into a (fictitious) horrible, brutal and grim crime spree that lasts over 8 years.
Despite some bad reviews, I've found quite a few good ones. This lead me to have hope the movie was good and I will say I agree. It was a good movie. It wasn't overly scary, but it was a thriller and did leave you with a horrible gut feeling at times. Many of the scenes were disturbing and just plain fucked up. This movie is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for anyone who gets easily disturbed.
One note that did leave me a little annoyed was the baffling fact that (in the version I watched) the creators clung to the whole "real" factor a little too much as the movie ends with an in memory of victims list and the credits has a featured list instead of giving a cast. Nor was the "This movie is a work of fiction" line anywhere in the credits. This could potentially lead to people believe the events portrayed in the movie to be real when they aren't.
With a Blair Witch/District 9 documentary feel, I would say this movie deserves a theatrical release. It at least deserves to be released on DVD instead of being swept under the carpet to be long forgotten.

Review: Clash of the Titans (2010)

After watching a decent bootleg of the new Clash of the Titans, I'm pretty glad that I didn't waste $10 to see it in theaters. As a huge fan of the original 1981 version, I found this one to be very disappointing. Too much of the story was changed and some of the changes had no real reason to be made.
My biggest beef had to be the removal of a key beloved despite quirky character: Bubo the mechanical owl. The story wasn't the same with his mechanical babbling. Another annoying change was instead of being white Pegasus was black, and his role was cut down to be very minimal. The whole romance between Perseus and Andromeda was complete cut as well.
The only cool things were the scorpion riding Djinn, Medusa looking bad ass and sexy at the same time, Liam Neeson as a very shiny Zeus, and the Kraken.
Overall I felt like it was a waste of time. If you've never seen the original then it's probably easier to like, but die hard fans of the original should avoid this. I remember when I first heard about the remake they said it was going to be an homage to the original. It was anything but that. Instead it was taking a beloved classic and modernizing it into a flashy, special effects driven, action flick.